
Windheuser, L., Karanjit, R., Pally, R., Samadi, S. and Hubig, N.C., 2023. An end‐to‐end flood stage prediction system using deep neural networks. Earth and Space Science, 10(1), p.e2022EA002385. Link to paper
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Karanjit, R., Pally, R., & Samadi, S. (2023). FloodIMG: flood image DataBase system. Data in brief, 48, 109164. Link to paper
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Samadi, V., Murray-Tuite, P., Hughes, A., Stephens, K., & Karanjit, R. (2022, December). Flood Evacuation Planning Tool: A New Prototype Combining Machine Learning, Transportation Networks, and Hydraulic Properties. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. H54F-06).
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Karanjit, R., Samadi, V., Murray-Tuite, P., Hughes, A., & Stephens, K. (2023). A Computationally Efficient Flood Evacuation Planning Tool to Assess the Impacts of Flooding on Transportation Networks (No. EGU23-10551). Copernicus Meetings.