Our Team

Vidya Samadi Photo

Vidya Samadi

Principle Investigator

Dr. Samadi is an Assistant Professor in Agricultural Sciences Department at Clemson University. She directs Clemson Hydrosystem & Hydroinformatics Research (HHR) Group. Her research focuses on developing analytics and intelligent computing systems for flood modeling, impacts of flooding on critical infrastructure, big data analytics, and Geographic Information systems (GIS).

Keri Stephens Photo

Keri K. Stephens

Co Principle Investigator

Keri K. Stephens, PhD, is a Professor in Organizational Communication Technology and Co-Director of Technology, Information, & Policy Institute in the Moody College of Communication at The University of Texas at Austin. Her research program examines the role of technology in organizational practices and organizing processes, especially in contexts of crisis, disaster, and health.

Amanda L. Hughes Photo

Amanda L. Hughes

Co Principle Investigator

Amanda L. Hughes is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Brigham Young University where she directs the Crisis Informatics Lab. Her work investigates the use of information and communication technology during crises and mass emergencies with particular attention to how social media affect emergency response organizations.

Pamela Marie Murray-Tuite

Pamela Marie Murray-Tuite

Co Principle Investigator

Dr. Pamela Murray-Tuite is a professor of Glenn Department of Civil Engineering. Her research interest are Transportation Systems and Evacuation Modeling.

Pamela Marie Murray-Tuite

Nina C. Hubig, Ph.D.

Co Principle Investigator

Dr. Nina Hubig is a computer scientist at Clemson University interested in the development of data platform, Hurricane data analytics and prediction, dataplatform generation, timeseries analysis, data fusion,and application of AI/ML.

Tara Tasuji Photo

Tara Tasuji

Research Scientist

Tara Tasuji is a Research Scientist at the Technology & Information Policy Institute (TIPI) at the University of Texas at Austin. She is a mixed-methods researcher with expertise in fieldwork as well as cognitive and social psychology. Tara is currently working on TIPI projects related to disasters, resilience, risk communication, and human-AI teaming.

Rishav Karanjit Photo

Rishav Karanjit

Graduate Student

Rishav is an M.S. in Computer Science student at Clemson University. He is fascinated by front-end and back-end technologies and curious and inspired to learn new technologies. He has worked on several projects in Software Engineering and Machine Learning domains.